I Changed The Rules
Here it is. The moment you've all been waiting for. I printed off and cut up the comments. Put them all in one of my handy dandy Lantern Moon knitting bags. Shook them up and came up with -
Hmm. Megs. Well, there's a big surprise.
Not enough, I thought. I kind of wanted to send something to someone who'd been here for most of the ride so far. I sorted the comments, put the new set in the bag and came up with -
Kathleen - who I think I remember from the M-D KAL and who showed up here for the first time in September.
I've learned something over the past year; I like how comments turn a blog from a monologue into a dialogue. I happen to be a world-class lurker, myself. Were there an Olympic Lurking Event, I would be a gold medalist, or maybe silver. I almost never leave a comment on any of the "big" blogs. And I don't even leave a comment every time I visit anyone else. Comments, however, make conversations possible. Blogging, by its nature, is a forum. We blog (or at least I do) to connect. Megs and alpineflower both came out of hiding (although I think Megs is pretty new?), but Megs already got a prize and this is a one per household deal. That makes the winner for "Bravest of the Brave" -
alpineflower. Very important to reward good behavior.
So, Megs will get the Sea Silk in the color of her choice with the ribbon of my choice and the copy of Ann and Kay's book. (Colorsong has nice pictures of Sea Silk in lots of the colors, if that helps you decide.)
Kathleen is a self-avowed knitter of skinny yarn. I mined my stash and came up with Lorna's Laces (a fine Chicago-based company) Shepherd Sock. I bought this for the Endpaper Mitts before I knew anything about how far one skein would go in a project that small.Whew! It'll be good to have those out of the house.
Alpineflower likes to read about the LYS. A Knitche exclusive seemed like a good idea. Having no idea of her color preferences, I went with rich.
The theory being that it will be easier to keep track of (am I the only person who mislays her doo-dad bag?) and memorable.
Of course, what sort of party would it be without cake?
And everybody who came to the party gets cake. If you want a piece, you know what to do.
Woohoo! I won! I won! I've never knit with Lorna's Lace - so it should be fun!
And what cute cakes!
P.S. I was part of MD-Kal until they changed blogger and I couldn't upgrade because my blogs were too big - or some other hullabaloo that they have since worked out - so I unsubscribed. But I still read it!
Congrats on your year & contest! :)
Can I have coffee with my cake? Tomorrow (Tuesday). Two more days of vacation -
Great prizes, by the way.
Cake?! Nobody told me there would be cake! Yum!
Congratulations to the winners!
Wahoo! I've emailed you.
Oh, and I forgot to say in my email, Accio Brain rocks my world.
*sigh* I got so busy working this weekend (and bday partying) I forgot I had a box to stuff. :) lovely yarn !
I think I'm one of the original ones that came over from MDKAL?
Well, I got a little busy earlier this week and I just checked to find I won! Although I've had you on my favorites blogroll for sometime, I am really just a lurker at heart, too. (I think it was the endpaper mitts that brought me over.) If you've ever read my blog, you'd know that. It's hard for me to think that someone is interested in what I have to say, but I figure I need to keep it up as I am a "published designer" now. So, I'll email you today. Thanks Julie!
I am a super lurker too, trying hard to comment more, lurk less.
OK Surprise, surprise, I didn't win.I would however like to get the pattern and yarn info from you.
What fun this has been!
It may be deceiving like the yarn form knotche.
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