Keep Moving Forward
There are times when I desperately wish I believed in wallowing. I could use a good wallow right about now. Clare is off - well, she will be if her flight isn't delayed again; the weather's pretty nasty here. One of her cousins and she will be travelling France and Italy for the remainder of her Winter Vac. The cousin will be home Jan 14. Clare will be back 6 months later, to the day. I'd really like to sit around and do the "po', po' pitiful me" bit, but I just can't quite bring it off. For one thing, I know Clare has friends and a back-up network in England now. You have no idea how this eases my heart. For another. She's been so happy, here for Christmas, but also looking ahead to returning to Norwich.
So, rather than descend into bathos, we have packed them off complete with crackers (intended to be popped at midnight on the plane, but which were in fact opened, carefully, with no little explosive sounds to alarm airport personnel, in the terminal before they went through the security check-point), and a gift from the Magi to open on the 12th day of Christmas.
At this point, I can probably safely tell you that Clare's package contains black Cascade Fixation, enough to make the pair of socks she wants for her English room-mate - black Fixation being rather scarce on the ground in the UK. Cate gets something non-knitting but shiny of which I forgot to take a picture.
In turn, Clare left us with a gift from Norwich, a pan of Norfolk Shortcake complete with the recipe obtained from an authentic Norfolk resident. It has been duly added to the permanent collection and will be made at all Christmases to come.
The afghan stays here for a bit longer. There has always been a back-up plan that involved shipping the afghan in time for Clare's return to campus. My new deadline is January 10. I'm in pretty good shape - 7 repeats out of 12 done. Based on the rate I'm using the yarn, I don't think I'll make 60 inches, more like 54. Still, knitting will continue to be a little repetitive for the next bit.
That gives you something to look forward to, though, doesn't it?