That'll Learn Me
You just never know, do you? Here I was all bent out of shape because my daughter had demonstrated an independent mind. My knickers in a twist because she had the audacity to question her mother's decision, the sheer unmitigated gall to suggest there might be a better way. Smart woman, my daughter.
After the chocolate turkey debacle yesterday, I stopped at Knitche. I had vague notions of adapting the sort of baby blanket colors they had in Plymouth Encore. Or maybe working up something in lots of Lorna's Laces colorways (getting a single Lorna's Laces colorway in afghan quantities is somewhat more difficult than locating the Grail). I came home empty handed, but with a new yarn to love. They had 2 skeins of Dream In Color Classy (the worsted weight) in Ruby River. The color was useless, but the yarn was, well, beyond beautiful. It's Australian merino wool. The colorways are unbelievable. Really, go look. And it's machine washable. Just to make it the perfect yarn for this across the waters project, the yarn is local produce.
Clare and I Internetted together. She chose November Muse. It took me 12 yarn stores, but I found it. In enough to make the afghan yet.I tried to ignore her next email, where she told me the living room was blue and green and grey. She's artistic. I really meant to trust her judgement. I wasn't as successful as I could have been. One of these will be the contrast stripe. That's Lorna's Laces Shepherd's Worsted in Douglas Fir and Dream in Color in Cloud Jungle. I never thought I'd say this, but I can hardly wait to swatch.
The source of all this wonderfulness? 45 minutes away in the Western Suburbs.
So it's almost to the ends of the earth. At least this time I didn't come back empty handed.
I heart Dream In Color yarns!! They look lovely!
And, I got my cake in the mail! Yeah!!! :) Thank you so very much!!
I love your color choices! Now my fingers are just itching to buy some of that yarn!
I got your package today! Thanks for all the goodies. I think I'm probably the last person on the planet to get a copy of Mason-Dixon Knitting. It got my creative juices flowing and I'm ready to knit myself a modern log cabin bedspread.
Thanks again!
Three cheers for Glen Ellyn, coming through for you! And I'm glad to know there's a yarn shop there - I already knew there was one in Wheaton, so I'm planning my Christmas yarn crawl...
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