Wednesday, February 11, 2009


I have this peculiar relationship with time. I keep expecting it to conform to my necessities. I should know better. It didn't behave over Clare's Christmas break, so she left without her scarf. A six inch scarf, after all, isn't of much use. She was philosophical about it, observing that that's what birthdays are for. No problem. Her birthday was weeks and weeks away then.

And now it's not. Fearing Determined that her birthday cannot happen wihout this scarf, I have been knitting something fierce.

This was yesterday.

This is today.

Sometimes, time obeys me. Or perhaps knitting time does?

I don't think I'll get the thrummed mittens done, though.


Diane H said...

The scarf is truly beautiful.

alpineflower said...

That's beautiful! Thrummed mittens are too fiddly for me, and not so necessary in Denver.