Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Gang Agley

I had hoped to have something finished today. Or at least close enough to finished that I could pat myself on the back over it. Preen a bit.

But. Yesterday was Halloween, and I have children. And Diane was finally able to come by for coffee and brought, not just the Mason-Dixon Circle of Fun Rug (pp 98-99), but Elizabeth Zimmermann's Knitting Around (how humbling; not just the knitting, the writing). And then there was the Doctor's Bag to repair (tink, tink, tink). Repeat after me: Reality checks are good things. Also what happens to you when you are making other plans.

Still, there has been progress, at least of the acquisitions sort. Behold the fruits of yarn shopping with Ellen. None of it is stash enhancement. I know. Astounding. Not only that, I can prove it.

Ellen's oldest daughter was with us. She is my god-daughter and (wonderful woman) indulged me by saying if I bought the Fleece Artist Kidsilk Poncho Kit - and made it - she would wear it. I don't know if she realizes quite how good she was to me. Not stash, a Christmas present. Or maybe it will be for next year. Or the year after. Ahem.

All the Red Scarf knitting got me thinking that Marco really needed a new scarf to go with his new winter jacket. Once upon a time, this would have sent me off to Field's, or at least TJ Maxx. Now I go to yarn stores and start reviewing my Barbara Walkers.

And then there's the Lantern Moon bag. Okay, I admit it. This one is hard. How about, "They've added a a cardboard base, so the bag is steadier." Or maybe, "Marco's scarf will need a home while it's being made up and all the other little bags have occupants." We don't need to go into the fact that it was a color I didn't have.

Oh yes, then there are these little needles. These are for a plan I'm not sure I'm ready to commit to. The beauty of Branching Out is not having an undue influence on me. These are merely a token of possible intent, kind of, maybe. A "just in case" purchase. It remains to be seen if the relationship I'm contemplating will blossom. Not to mention whether I have enough white pillowcases.

The best laid schemes . . .

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