Sunday, December 10, 2006

I Really Don't Think It's Me This Time

Diane once told me she reads my blog for the mistakes. But this time, it's not my fault. At least I don't think it is.

I admit, I couldn't leave well enough alone. I started with the Fleece Artist Kidsilk Shawl, then decided the elongated stitch would look really pretty in something shinier. Besides, I'm making this for my niece, Cate, and Cate believes in shiny. Before I even cast on, I went back to Knitche and bought this lovely stuff. Handmaiden Silk Spun in Capri.

Mindful of the lesson I learned about gauge with the Perfect Sweater, I decided swatching would probably be a good thing. Necessary, in fact. Garments are supposed to fit. They're not like afghans or towels or scarves that can be successfully rendered in not-to-gauge variations. The pattern calls for 7mm needles/US 10 3/4 to reach a gauge of 2 1/2 Stitches per inch. Having established that I'm a tight knitter, I tried my US 11/8mm. No go: 3 1/2 SPI. Went up to (yikes!) size 13/9mm. Nope: 3 SPI. I don't own 15's, and don't like working with 17's. I decided to do the math and compensate. I dutifully took my gauge and multiplied by the length I needed to achieve. Cast on accordingly.

So how did this happen? 2 SPI?!?!

Mel Brooks, in The 2000 Year Old Man, observes that everything comes from fear. He may have a point. I was suddenly seized with the fear that I knit swatches at a different tension than I really knit. I immediately envisioned the Perfect Sweater turning into some thing appropriate only for an orangutan.

All I can say is, "Whew!"

So what happened with the poncho? I haven't the vaguest. Back to the 11's. This will actually be my third attempt, but that's a story for another blog. And, third time is supposed to be the charm. Well that, or you're out.

For those following my porch progress as avidly as I.

Two flights and a platform. What will tomorrow bring?

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